Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Increase in Apprenticeship Wage

Just to keep everyone updated. As of 1st October the Apprenticeship minimum wage has increased to £3.40 for those aged under 18 or those aged 19 on their first Apprenticeship. For full information please follow the link:

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Quarter 4 Update – August 2016.
Do you know what’s been happening at Oracle in the last 3 months…?
·        July is our end of year and we have been busy looking at our data to see how well our learners have achieved this year. I am really pleased to announce that our overall success rate for 2016/16 was 85% which means that we have met our target for this year – right on the nose!! J Learners on Advanced learning loans did exceptionally well with 100% of those electing to complete a programme under the loan account  during this year completed their qualification; 86% of Traineeships completed their main aim and 78% of our Apprenticeships successfully completed their Framework. A massive well done to everyone!
·        We have had 26 sustained new learners started on programme with us since 1st May! 24 Apprentices; 2 Traineeships. Welcome to all new learners!
·        We are now at our main recruitment time of year and are busily working with Applicants to ensure they start on the right programme. If you know anyone who is interested in Hairdressing, Barbering, Beauty Therapy, Nail enhancements or who would like to train as Assessors please contact Amber at Doncaster (amber.mackintosh@oracle-uk.com) or Emma at Rotherham (emma.jones@oracle-uk.com).
·        100% of learners due to complete Functional Skills in the last quarter passed with flying colours!! Well done! (That included me by the way; Level 2 Functional Maths! J)
·        85% of those learners leaving and achieving their Programme have had a positive destination; either into a job, going self employed or progressing onto an Advanced Apprenticeship or Further/Higher Education.
·        Tell us what you think! We welcome all productive comments, so if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our service, please post them in our ‘Talk to me Tank’ or email carol.watson@oracle-uk.com

Other Interesting facts about Oracle’s development …….
Did you know that ……?

·       Congratulations to Emma Currie, who is now Mrs Jones! Emma and Paddy married on the beautiful island of Cypress. All staff at Oracle wish them both every happiness for the future.
·       All Staff have renewed their knowledge and completed CPD programmes for Prevent Duty and British Values.
·       Learner attendance for the last quarter is 75%
·       Top milestone achievement record for the last quarter goes to Teresa Stacey with 100% of milestones met, closely followed by Diane Logan on 91% and Adele Truswell on 67%. The company target is for each member of staff to reach 78% each quarter, so we have work to do here everyone!
·       Top Attendance record for the last quarter goes to Janine Strafford with 82%. Rebecca Murray and Teresa Stacey are joint second with 72%.
·       We are currently evaluating all the Data we have collected over the last year and will be publishing our Self Assessment and Development plan at the end of the year.
·       Finally, we say goodbye to Sam Elwood our Receptionist and Natalie Bagshaw, Trainer/Assessor in Rotherham but say Hello to two new members of staff; Andrea Steel and Vicky Crookes who are starting with us in August.

New Nail Course planned makes you internationally qualified!

Oracle is happy to announce a collaboration with Young Nails International Mentor; Sarah Meloy. The course includes a full Young Nails starter kit worth over £500 and covers nail enhancements using acrylic and gel, also includes training in the safe use of the e-file and application of nail art. At the end of the 26 week programme you will be internationally accredited through VTCT Awarding Body and also receive the Young Nails – Complete Nail Professional Certificate.

Advanced Learner loans are available for those aged 19+. For more information about applying for the loan please call Nikki on 01302 813900.

The cost of the programme is £2.583 which can be completely paid for by the loan.

Hurry; there are limited places and the coarse starts 26th September!

Friday, 27 May 2016

Quarter 3 Update:

Quarter 3 Update – May 2016.
Do you know what’s been happening at Oracle in the last 3 months…?
·         In our last quarterly update we reported that our learner milestone targets had improved but were still a disappointing 62%. I am pleased to report that this quarter we have made significant improvements to the teaching and learning processes meaning our milestone targets in the last 3 months has increased to 74%; this is up 25% on the beginning of the contract year; we are still not at our target of 80% but are heading the right way. 71% of those milestones were met in a timely manner. Well done to all learners and staff who have worked hard to raise the quality of provision.
·         We have had 34 sustained new learners started on programme with us since 1st February! 31 Apprentices; 2 Traineeships, 2 Study Programme learners, and 1 adult learner! Welcome to all new learners!
·         91% of learners due to complete Functional Skills in the last quarter passed with flying colours!! Well done!
·         88% of learners leaving in quarter 3 achieved their learning aims. Well done you!!
·         95% of those learners leaving and achieving their framework have had a positive destination; either into a job, going self employed or progressing onto an Advanced Apprenticeship or Further Education.
·         Oracle attend Doncaster’s ‘Moved On’ meeting organised through DATM training providers, it’s purpose is for providers to signpost learner to other providers in a bid to keep them engaged in learning.
·         We are still recruiting for our Traineeship programme. This programme is for individuals who are not ‘job ready’ and need work experience and support before progressing onto an Apprenticeship. If you know anyone who would be interested in this programme, get them to contact our centre and we can book them in for an interview and check their eligibility.
·         Tell us what you think! We welcome all productive comments, so if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our service, please post them in our ‘Talk to me Tank’ or email carol.watson@oracle-uk.com

Other Interesting facts about Oracle’s development …….
Did you know that ……?

·       We said goodbye to our Italian Students at the beginning of April. After 9 weeks of training and salon experience and an intensive English speaking programme, the girls returned home with heavy hearts on 1st April. We would like to thank everyone who was involved in the exchange; especially the Salon’s who offered work experience. All the learners achieved either grade 4 or 5 in their English Speaking exam, five of which received a Distinction grade.
·       Learner attendance has improved in the last quarter by 9%
·       Oracle was re accredited with Matrix Accreditation during March. We received excellent feedback from the assessor and the full report is available, should you wish to read it, from sally.marsh@oracle-uk.com  Tank you to all Staff and Stakeholders for their continued support.
·       One of our staff achieved a milestone of her own last month, Adele Truswell made it to her 30th Birthday!! J
·       Many of our Salon’s supported the ‘Tour de Yorkshire’ last month by dressing up their window displays. Follow us on Facebook to see some of the creations!
·       Finally, we say goodbye to Fay Armitage, one of our recruitment officers, who has gone on to pasture’s new in Barnsley. We wish you all the best for the future Fay!

Monday, 7 March 2016

Quarter 2 update - February 2016

Quarter 2 Update – February 2016.
Do you know what’s been happening at Oracle in the last 3 months…?
·         In our last quarterly update we reported that our learner milestone targets had dropped to a disappointing 49%. I am pleased to report that this quarter we have made significant improvements to the teaching and learning processes and of those learners with milestone targets in the last 3 months 62% of milestones have been met; that is up 13% on the last quarter; we are still not at our target of 80% but are heading the right way. What is more encouraging is that 81% of those milestones were met in a timely manner. Well done to all learners and staff who have worked hard to raise the quality of provision. We have still a way to go but early signs of improvements are very promising!
·         We have had 21 sustained new learners started on programme with us since 1st November! 14 Apprentices; 4 Traineeships, 2 Study Programme learners, and 1 adult learner! Welcome to all new learners!
·         67% of our learning sessions were graded good or better in our January class observation cycle, that was up 7% on Septembers report. These grades were based on the new Ofsted Inspection Framework and were carried out by an external consultant, Elaine White.
·         20 learners have successfully completed their Learning Plans in the last three months! Well done you!!
·         95% of those learners leaving and achieving their framework have had a positive destination; either into a job, going self employed or progressing onto an Advanced Apprenticeship or Further Education.
·         Oracle attend Doncaster’s ‘Moved On’ meeting organised through DATM training providers, it’s purpose is for providers to signpost learner to other providers in a bid to keep them engaged in learning.
·         Oracle welcomes Morthyng Vocational Training into its centre in Doncaster at the end of February. Morthyng specialise in study programmes and will be working along side Oracle.
·         We are still recruiting for our Traineeship programme. This programme is for individuals who are not ‘job ready’ and need work experience and support before progressing onto an Apprenticeship. If you know anyone who would be interested in this programme, get them to contact our centre and we can book them in for an interview and check their eligibility.
·         Tell us what you think! Our SFA learner survey is still open, if you haven’t already completed the survey, ask a member of staff to do so.

Other Interesting facts about Oracle’s development …….
Did you know that ……?

·        Congratulations to our 14 Apprenticeship learners who, at the beginning of January, went on our Student exchange through Erasmus+. Chloe, Chloe, Jordanne, Natalia, Charlotte, Tom, Alex, Andrea, Tara, Phoebe, Leanne, Salv, Joe and Courtney all spent 16 nights in Bergamo, Italy completing a programme that enhanced their professional skills and included Industry technical workshops and Salon experience. Our next trip will be May 2016, so any learners who are in their second year of training can apply now! Application forms are available from reception or any member of staff. Closing date for applications is 1st April. This is a fabulous opportunity so don’t miss out!
·        At the end of January we welcomed 19 Italian Students into Oracle for a nine week exchange. A big thank you to all Employers who have supported us with offering placements. We have had excellent feedback and appreciate all that the Salons are offering our guests. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the Homestay families and Doncaster College/High Melton for their continued support.
·        We have welcomed three new members of staff in this last quarter; Sam Ellwood is our new receptionist at our Doncaster centre, Faye Trainer is our new beauty trainer/assessor and Bev Wright is our trainer/assessor supporting in Hairdressing. Welcome to you all!

·        Finally, we say goodbye to our lovely Emma Hollis who will not be returning from Maternity leave. Emma wants to focus on being a full time mum to baby Henry and we wish her every happiness for the future.

February 2016 News updates

Oracle's Business Plan performance review - January 2016